
Noronha VT, Goodchild MF, Church RL, Fohl P 1999 Location Expression Standards for ITS Applications — Testing the Cross Streets Profile.  Annals of Regional Science, Special Issue on GIS Data Sharing and Standardization 33 197-212

Abstract  Location can be expressed in a number of ways: coordinates, street addresses, landmark references, linear references, grid references, etc.  The Cross Streets Profile is part of a location messaging specification developed for use in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).  It describes a location essentially in terms of street names.  This paper presents an evaluation of the Cross Streets Profile based upon lab and field tests using commercial street network databases in the County of Santa Barbara.  Results vary widely, depending upon database quality which in turn is dependent on geography (major streets vs minor streets, rural vs urban, etc).  Success rates can be improved with intelligent algorithms.  Future directions to improve the quality of location messaging are discussed.

The full text of the article can be accessed from the web site of publisher Springer-Verlag.


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