Strategic Retail Location
3—What We Offer
We offer a range of advanced GIS consulting
services for retail site selection:
- Our flagship software CLEO anchors the high
analytics: data analysis, spatial interaction or gravity modeling,
location allocation and decision support. We evaluate data holdings and
their quality, and develop specialized analytic methods, visualizations
models to suit your business. CLEO produces comprehensive reports; we
interpret and reconcile them with your
local experts. We analyze costs and benefits and deliver a complete
financial picture.
- Would you like to play at the frontiers of
research, with
the latest in customer expenditure data, and GPS tracking? We
happen to be leaders in transportation technology and
GPS (more ...). We can
develop very advanced models using these technologies, and prepare you
for tomorrow's retailing environment and the world of Location
Based Services (LBS).
- Is your firm using GIS effectively to achieve
throughout the enterprise? We analyze decision making,
requirements and flows from POS terminals to optimization models, data
quality and system requirements, and we design
enterprise level use cases looking several years into the future.
decisions on network development and property investment demand
accurate research and analysis. Our products and services are designed
precisely for that.
DGRC researchers have been studying retail site
problems since the early
1980s. Our work in spatial
and location-allocation modeling has won top honors from professional
bodies. Combined with our expertise in transportation
and travel modeling,
error modeling and enterprise GIS strategic planning, we offer
exceptional competence in this area.