
1955 1957
UpdateClass of 1956
- Owen F Amore — Deceased 2016-03-09 Perth
- Jehangir B Bharucha [Jimmy]
- Newton J Carvalho [Nuttu] — Deceased 2017-09-10
- Gordon Clarke — Melton South (Melbourne) VIC, Australia
- Duncan Andrew Collie — Lodge Road, Newport, Gwent, UK
- Sylvester Da Silva [Silvo]
- Aloysius F D'Souza [Aloo]
- Joseph D'Souza [Joe]
- Richard B. Edmonds [Richie] — Deceased 1957-02-14
- Michael Everden
- Vijay Fernandes — Australia
- Ronzo Ferreira
- Rudolf Carlton Ferreira [Rudy] — Ratlam, Ratlam MP, India
- Keith Stanley Finnimore — Mentone, Melbourne VIC, Australia
- Roger Galbraith-Marten — Cheadle Hume Cheshire, UK
- Trevor Gilby — Deceased 2009-09-19 California
- Lloyd M. Gilder — Deceased 2009-09-30, Melbourne, Australia
- Christopher H. Joseph — Ottawa ON, Canada
- Neville Anthony Little [Tony] — Australia
- Mohiuddin Khan Malik [Mahyo] — Ipswich Suffolk, UK
- Royston Mathias [Bullu]
- Lenny Middlecoat
- Pascal Joseph Noronha — Los Altos CA, USA
- Kanchan D. Patel
- Trevor Pearce [Torpedo] — Wimbledon, London, UK
- Trevor Perrier [TP]
- Mallapur Shashi Rao [Baddu] — Fairview TX, USA
- Arvind Rodrigues [Rocky]
- Michael Rooke
- Ashley Walter George Shemain [Ash] — Flowery Branch GA, USA
- Kersey Vakharia — Wilmington, Wilmington DE, USA
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