
1958 1960
UpdateClass of 1959
- Bimal C Bhandari
- Barry J Blake — Bombay? MAH, India
- Darayas K Cooper
- Christopher Curtis
- Yeshrun T Das
- Adrian Michael De Sousa — Toronto ON, Canada
- Peter Paul de Souza — Richmond BC, Canada
- Adrian M DeSouza
- Bernard J D'Lima — Ottawa, Ottawa ON, Canada
- Christopher A Donald
- Carlton P Gracious
- Colin C Kelly
- Cyrus Lalkaka — St Thomas Town, Bangalore KAR, India
- Douglas J J Lobo — Hamilton ON, Canada
- Patrick C Louis — Deceased 2009-03-13
- Joseph P Mendes
- Premkumar G Menon
- Wulfran E Miranda
- Yunus M Mogul
- Ravindra S Patel
- Sashikant D Patel
- Donny Pen — Redhill Surrey, UK
- Benedict Paul Pius [Benny] — Deceased 2021-02-23
- Mario Rodrigues
- Llewellyn O Saldanha — Pickering ON, Canada
- Brian Sampson
- Derek Stuart — Leeds Yorkshire, UK
- Lloyd Gabriel Xavier — Richmond Hill (Toronto) ON, Canada
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