
1964 1966
UpdateClass of 1965
- Nitin G Amin
- Amaresh Chatterjee — Malviya Nagar, Jaipur RAJ, India
- Sudhir Kumar Choudhri — Teachers Colony, Veraval GUJ, India
- Aldred M Clarke — Etobicoke (Toronto) ON, Canada
- Howard deGa — Calgary AB, Canada
- Eric J D'Souza — Shillong MEG, India
- Neil Noel Fernandes [Niloo] — Croydon, UK
- Rodney A Fernandes — Newcastle (Sydney) NSW, Australia
- Rollin Lucas Fernandes — Sec 9A , Vashi, New Bombay MAH, India
- Melwyn Godinho [Goody] — Kilkenny, Ireland
- Brian A Hill — (Melbourne) VIC, Australia
- Sydney Charles Liebenhals — Peakhurst, Sydney NSW, Australia
- Leslie Louis [Lucy] — Scarsdale NY, USA
- Peter Armand Menon [Zow] — Bur Dubai, Dubai Dubai, UAE
- Darryl J Michael — Ottawa ON, Canada
- Ashley C Nazareth — Bandra, Bombay MAH, India
- Jivan J Nazareth
- Chinubhai C Patel
- Peter J Patel
- Suryakant C Patel
- Leslie A Pinto
- Robert A Rebeiro
- Adrian J Saldanha
- Edgar J Saldanha — Deceased 2009-03-02
- Bhupendra Ochhavlal Shah [Bhup] — Rajpipla GUJ, India
- Harjeet Singh — Sowaripalayam, Coimbatore TN, India
- Michael Stracey [Mike] — Fraser, Canberra ACT, Australia
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