
1974 1976
UpdateClass of 1975
- Sundeep Ignatius Almeida
- Dhanesh Bakhru
- Jaidev Singh Bhati [Judo] — Doha, Qatar
- Narayan Singh Bhayal [Daddy] — Nadesar, Varanasi UP, India
- Keith Burges — Pearland TX, USA
- Jude Castellino — Bombay MAH, India
- Dominic Savio Da Silva
- Horace Francis Dcosta
- Kevin Dennis — Deceased 1980-05-16 Kuwait
- Louis Dias — Baroda GUJ, India
- Philip Dennis Dias — Unionville (Toronto) ON, Canada
- Denzil D'Mello [Fatty] — Narre Warren South, Vic, Australia
- Lawrence Steven D'Mello — Fort Mill SC, USA
- Ashley Ivor D'Sillva [Baldy] — Pokhran Rd.1, Thane City (Bombay) MAH, India
- Dominic D'Silva
- Ivor D'Silva
- Alan D'Souza — Missouri City TX, USA
- Pramod Gupta — Dubai, UAE
- Manoj Kurup — Canada
- Donald Lincoln Lawrence — Bandra, Bombay MAH, India
- Gerard Anthony Lobo [Jerry] — Chembur, Bombay MAH, India
- Jude Lobo
- Anthony Malkaney — Andheri (W), Bombay MAH, India
- Christopher Malkaney — Chembur, Bombay MAH, India
- Martin Malkaney — Lynfield (Auckland), New Zealand
- Christopher Eugene Mascarenhas — GOA, India
- Dunstan Francis Mascarenhas — Houma LA, USA
- Ivan Manuel Menezes — London, UK
- Mervyn Merriman
- Erle Miranda — Shillong MEG, India
- Savio James Miranda [Spider] — Andheri (E), Bombay MAH, India
- Richard Morton [Buster]
- Derek Lionel Nazareth — Fox Point, Milwaukee WI, USA
- Mark Anthony Nazareth — Bandra, Bombay MAH, India
- Oswald Peter Nazareth — Etobicoke, Toronto ON, Canada
- Wilbert Paul Noronha — Lake Forest IL, USA
- Ambrose Pereira [Piggie] — Bedford, Halifax NS, Canada
- Glen Pereira [Chintu Mintu] — Te Atatu Peninsula, Waitakere, Auckland, New Zealand
- Reuben Anthony Pereira — Bandra, Bombay MAH, India
- John Andrew F Pinto
- Ganga Singh Ranawat — Deceased 2021-01-23 Jodhpur
- Mahipal Singh Rathore [Polly/ MyPal] — Deceased 2015-12-23 Bombay
- Emile Rodrigues — Ottawa ON, Canada
- Norman F B Rodrigues
- Allan A Shenoi — San Marino CA, USA
- Peter Taylor
- Nar Bahadur Thapa — Indo China Border Ladakh, India
- Andrew J Tims — Sydney NSW, Australia
- Jamshed J Vakharia — Cuffe Parade, Bombay MAH, India
- Ronald Vas — Zurich, Switzerland
- Goering Vincent
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